Traubenpracht im Spätsommer

Varieties of Wines

The typical grape varieties of this wine region are very diverse.
Klosterneuburg offers fruity mixed sets, which are usually served in the taverns, and spicy Grüner Veltliner and Riesling.
The wines of the Burgundian family, such as the Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay and Ruländer are very popular. But also the blue burgundy finds here good location conditions. Enjoy and taste the enchanting wines in the countless taverns! You will not regret it.Here are some prominent examples of the diversity that our region offers:

White Wines:

Grüner Veltliner (green Veltliner)

The Grüner Veltliner is a natural crossroads of Traminer and St. Georgen. The second cross was named in Burgenland, in St. Georgen, and named after this place. Important, the Grüner Veltliner is not related to the red and Frühroten Veltliner! The acid-stressed wine is the most important indigenous grape variety, is called if a grape variety where it has its origin in Austria. The most important features to detect the Grüner Veltliner is the medium sized pentagonal to circular leaves, which are five to seven lobes.
The grape is medium to very large, medium-tight, cone-shaped, shouldered and equipped with large roundish to oval berries with green-yellow to fuchsy yellow coloring on the sunny side. The Grüner Veltliner is a very fertile variety. It thrives particularly well on deep loess soils, does not tolerate drought, is sensitive in flowering, susceptible to Peronospora, Roter Brenner and easily gets chlorosis. By far the most important white grape in Austria delivers all grades of quality from light, acidified wine to highly ripe Prädikatswein. Here, the position and yield level is very crucial.
Desirable are spicy, peppery wines or fruit notes after stone fruit.
Were less desired are wines with seedling clay, an intense aroma of the variety Scheurebe.

taste: fruity and freshly enchants the Grüner Veltliner the palate and makes you want more. Alive and spicy at the same time, pithy and nutty it hits the tongue and surprises with a powerful body, fullness and at the same time delicacy. Even if the whitening gypsum is stored for a long time, it retains an amazing freshness that is simply fun.


The Riesling is a natural cross between White Heunisch, Vitis sylvestris and Traminer.
The variety was probably selected from wild stock on the Upper Rhine (Germany).
The red Riesling is a rottraubige variant of the white Riesling.
Important, the Riesling is not related to Welschriesling.

Spread over 1,863 hectares, the variety has been brought from the Rhine to the Danube and, in addition to the Grüner Veltliner, is the Wachau's most important white grape variety.
In Germany, the Riesling is the most common white wine variety of all quality levels.

To recognize the Riesling are the typical features such as a medium-sized, circular, five-lobed leaves with derber leaf surface and strong hairiness at the bottom, and a small grape berry which dense berry, cylindrical and shouldered, and is equipped with yellow-green berries with scar point. The Beitraube is usually missing.

The world-famous variety is called the king of white wines.
The late-maturing variety places very high demands on the situation and is sensitive to stomping, stag beetle and berry botrytis infestation. The infestation of the noble mold fungus is desired only as noble rot when read, otherwise the variety-typical aromas are destroyed by the infestation.

Wanted are youthful Riesling wines, the charming fruitiness and spiciness, which can develop through maturity to large and complex wines. The Riesling is dominated by peaches, apricots and exotic fruits. From some terroirs, the wines get mineral notes reminiscent of slate or flint.
The Riesling matures as a wine slowly and delivers the highest quality as old wine with rose-like scents.
In late infestation of grapes with noble rot arise wines of special species - readouts and Beerenauslese of excellent quality.

taste: The taste is variable. It ranges from dry to mild over harmonious. He is influenced by the content of acidity and sweetness. Juicy Rieslings convince with fruity aromas of peach and apricot, which are often supplemented by lemon fresh and exotic notes. The fertility of older vines goes back. However, they are so deeply rooted in the soil that the few grapes can be nourished excellently.The wine therefore tastes particularly intense and concentrated. He also often develops a mineral spice. Riesling is mostly dry, but can also be dried semi-sweet or sweet. Since there is something for (almost) every taste, this wine is so popular.

White Burgundy

Pinot blanc, also called Pinot Blanc, Pinot bianco or Klevner, is a light wine with a gentle and unobtrusive acidity, which is often drunk to eat. The grape is one of the oldest in Europe and was already known in the 14th century.

The Pinot blanc has a very delicate bouquet, it is almost neutral. When the wine is made from well ripened fruit, it has a slightly nutty bouquet. The wine has a fruity aroma of apples, pears, apricot and citrus fruits. Hints of herbal and flower spice are also present.

The Pinot blanc has a very delicate bouquet, it is almost neutral. When the wine is made from well ripened fruit, it has a slightly nutty bouquet. The wine has a fruity aroma of apples, pears, apricot and citrus fruits. Hints of herbal and flower spice are also present.

taste: This wine is characterized by a soft and full-bodied taste. The pinot blanc has a very fine acidity, delicate fruit sweetness and in the reverberation a fine taste of lemon. In southern growing areas, the grapes often lack the acid.

If the wine is stored for longer, a fine nutty and almond flavor is created. A unique aroma is created when the wine is stored in small oak barrels. Most of the Pinot blanc is dry-aged. It is also produced to a small extent noble sweet wines and sparkling wine from the grapes.

White Burgundy (Pinot Blanc)

Pinot blanc, also called Pinot Blanc, Pinot bianco or Klevner, is a light wine with a gentle and unobtrusive acidity, which is often drunk to eat. The grape is one of the oldest in Europe and was already known in the 14th century.

The Pinot blanc has a very delicate bouquet, it is almost neutral. When the wine is made from well ripened fruit, it has a slightly nutty bouquet. The wine has a fruity aroma of apples, pears, apricot and citrus fruits. Hints of herbal and flower spice are also present.

The Pinot blanc has a very delicate bouquet, it is almost neutral. When the wine is made from well ripened fruit, it has a slightly nutty bouquet. The wine has a fruity aroma of apples, pears, apricot and citrus fruits. Hints of herbal and flower spice are also present.

taste: This wine is characterized by a soft and full-bodied taste. The pinot blanc has a very fine acidity, delicate fruit sweetness and in the reverberation a fine taste of lemon. In southern growing areas, the grapes often lack the acid.If the wine is stored for longer, a fine nutty and almond flavor is created. A unique aroma is created when the wine is stored in small oak barrels. Most of the Pinot blanc is dry-aged. It is also produced to a small extent noble sweet wines and sparkling wine from the grapes.

Red wines:

Saint Laurent:

Saint Laurent is a dark grape variety from the Burgundy family, highly aromatic, probably from Alsace. In 2000, a DNA analysis was carried out in Austria, which proves this. There are many synonyms for the wine, including Blue Saint-Laurent, Laurenzitraube or Saint Laurent noir. For the full-bodied taste, the wine is stored for a relatively long time, about five to six years at a temperature of 10 - 12 ° Celsius. The Saint Laurent has a bouquet with fruity appearance, it shimmering fine notes of elderberries and cherry, at the same time Wine of medium body an intense scent of black cherries and wild berries auf.Der wine was introduced to Alsace about 1850 from Germany, in Austria, he was planted by Klosterneuburg Abbey and from there propagated. In recent years, it has become increasingly important, the acreage has doubled in a decade, especially at Lake Neusiedl and in the wine-growing region Thermenregion he is very common.Thus Austria is one of the most important, if not the most important production area for the Saint Laurent, what with some of its characteristics. Its grapes are not too thin-skinned and thrive in Burgenland particularly well, the climate on the shallow Lake Neusiedl, which heats up quickly, the vines entgegen.The strong surface evaporation and the simultaneous Pannonian (warm, often dry) climate on the lake are ideal conditions for the Wine growing. The conditions for St. Laurent in Burgenland are also optimal in autumn when it comes to maturing grapes. After all, they have been cultivating wine for about 2,700 years.

taste: Sankt Laurent is very extract-rich and has a relatively high alcohol content. If it is made young, it tastes rather tart with strong acidity, so it is stored for about six years and served it only from a certain age. Then the tannins return, the wine reaches its full-bodied quality, on the palate it feels velvety. Sweet, the wine can hardly be expanded, the result does not match the variety.